About me

   Hello, my name is Eris and this is my blog where I post all the stuff that I make from art to videos and everything else in between

   I pretty much have no formal art education or courses, I'm self taught and just do whatever comes out from the inside of my mind, as a result I have no real style of preferred materials to use because I grew up poor and couldn't afford expensive art supplies so I had to use whatever was lying around to draw and gained the habit for good and for bad to never specialise in anything and just do whatever, whenever with whatever I have at the time.

   I also make videos of everyday life, stuff that I open and games that I play, I have 4 Youtube channels that don't have many subscribers but in the end of the day I don't create for others I create for myself due to a personal need to constantly be doing something at all times and create no matter what.

   So thanks in advance for coming and checking out my blog, I hope that all is well and that some of the stuff I make and post here can make your day a bit better.